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Benefits of Video Marketing


Marketing strategies become much stronger when video is implemented. Whether it’s embedding videos on blogs, email newsletters, social media platforms or other channels, statistics show that engagement improves across these platforms when video is incorporated.


Increase Brand Awareness

With over 78% of people watching online videos every week, and 55% of people viewing online videos every day (Hubspot, 2020), it’s hard to deny the fact that video is the most consumed piece of content in recent years. On YouTube alone, users view more than one billion hours of video each day (YouTube, 2020), while 85% of consumers say that they want to see more content from brands (Hubspot, 2020).


Increase Engagement

Over 72% of customers say they would rather learn about a product or service by way of video (Hubspot, 2020). In addition to this, viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, compared to 10% when reading in text (Insivia, 2013). Video views result in higher engagement rates too, as video encourages social shares, followers and clicks across all platforms.


Higher CTR

Video users also have 27% higher click-through rates and 34% higher web conversion rates (Aberdeen Group, 2015). However, not only do social media posts with video have a higher click through rate, posts with video can have up to 48% more views (Hubspot, 2016). Ensure your videos have a clear call to action and you’ll reap the rewards of posting video content on your business’ social media.


Improve ROI

Many marketers agree that video content improves their return on investment. 73% of B2B marketers say video positively impacts their ROI (Tubular Insights, 2013), while 52% of marketers say video is the type of content with the best ROI (Hubspot, 2020).


Boost Conversion And Sales

Video content also converts people more quickly than traditional forms of marketing. Marketers who utilise video grow revenue 49% faster than those who do not and a video on a landing page can increase conversions by 80% (Hubspot, 2020). When nearly 50% of internet users look for videos related to a product or service before visiting a store (Hubspot, 2020), you definitely need to be looking at optimising video to increase your conversions and sales.


Higher Rankings

Video content improves your website’s ranking on search engine results pages. In fact, video increases organic search traffic on a website by 157% (Conversion XL, 2016). The two most used search engines are Google and YouTube and both of these allow increased visibility and higher rankings with the use of video.


Need help developing your video marketing strategy, we’ve covered how to get your business started with video advertising. Download our free Power of Video Guide for everything you need to know to set up a successful video campaign, just like the one we created for Robinsons Brewery