Home » Case Studies » Sunkissed Bronzing
Case Study
Sunkissed Bronzing
Sunkissed is a multi-award-winning tanning and cosmetics brand, best known for its vibrant range of bronzing and tanning products. They develop high performance products that offer the latest innovations in cosmetics.
The Brief
Sunkissed teamed up with Return to create a social media advertising campaign, promoting the new Ultra Dark Selfie Ready Tan and new-look Sunkissed bronzing collection.
Our objectives were to:
> Promote new product range. Promote the updated, new-look collection to a relevant demographic.
> Engage. Utilise influencer video to engage with Gen Z’ers and promote the brand’s USPs.
> Increase purchases. Grow the amount of online and offline purchases.
Sponsored Activity
Our aim was to deliver an organic experience through sponsored social activity. Overall, we took the approach of maintaining longer-form yet highly concise copy, with native-style phrasing, language and emoji usage. Utilising in-built CTAs and in-copy links in the style of an organic post, as well as delivering in primarily-organic formats such as IG Stories, helped us find the perfect balance between an organic feel and paid performance.

Influencer Marketing
Utilising influencer video, we got creative with cuts and edits, always maintaining a rigorous eye on video engagement, consumption and quality metrics.Â
The video campaign featured some of the UK’s fastest-growing beauty YouTube stars. Each of the girls created gorgeous, glowy looks using Sunkissed products – showing their own make-up obsessed organic audience the very best of the products, while providing us with great collateral for the paid campaign. We made sure that only the most engaging videos were going out to the audience who most wanted to interact with the brand.
Our main campaign aim was to engage with Gen Z’ers. By dayparting across social and YouTube, we delivered videos to girls in the morning when doing their makeup, at lunch hours during school, after school before the homework rush and in the evenings and weekends. Delivering on such a defined schedule helped us ensure our ads would only show to girls when they were most likely to engage, appearing in the most attention-grabbing placements, such as IG Feeds and IG Stories.

How we did it
Return's Results
impressions across Facebook & Instagram
unique link clicks
increase in sales from advertising campaign
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Services used by Sunkissed
Paid Social
Management and development of Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, LinkedIn and emerging platforms.