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Why delaying migrating to HTTPS could impact your revenue

There’s been a lot of chat in the past few years about SSL (Secure Sockets Layers) certificates, HTTPS and what they mean. We won’t dive into the technical details during this blog, because all you really need to know is that simple a ‘s; at the end of http simply means that any data and information you enter on a website is secure and safely shared using SSL technology.

Security on the web is a major consideration for users when their credit card or personal information is involved. HTTPS has been the next logical step in securing the web for a while, but now the penalties for not being on HTTPS are becoming much clearer.

With studies suggesting that 85% of people will not continue browsing if a site is not secure, if your site with payment transactions or personal information, you could be missing out on revenue if you don’t sort your HTTPS migration.

 Why should I move my site to HTTPS?

Regardless of whether your site is on WordPress, Magento or Shopify, security is a fundamental concern for any web user, particularly when it comes to putting your personal information or credit card details into a website. As we’ve mentioned, trust signals on a site can make or break a user’s confidence. By moving to HTTPS, you not only give your site the opportunity to rank better organically, you instil more trust in your users to interact and convert on your site.

Chrome users will make up a large majority of your site’s users, based on the 60% market share the browser currently holds. By not implementing HTTPS, you run the risk of alienating a large majority of users and affecting your bottom line.

HTTPS & Chrome: Stats and Facts

From July 2018, Google Chrome will begin to show non-HTTPS warnings much more prominently, whether your website deals with sensitive data or not. This warning will be shown in the URL bar, as the example screenshot below shows:

What will happen if I delay the move or can’t do it now?

Migration may seem like a daunting process, but the potential losses from users not trusting your site (particularly when these new warnings come into place), will be far more detrimental to you.

Which site would you trust?

However, just because it’s important and deadlines are looming, by no means should this process be rushed. Any kind of migration needs a well thought out and carefully crafted plan to make sure performance stays stable.

I’m ready, let’s do an HTTPS migration

Although not an exhaustive list, here are some of the areas you need to pay attention to when undertaking an HTTPS migration:

Although the task may seem intimidating, now is the time to make the switch before ‘not secure’ warnings start to harm your bottom line.

Is your site still on HTTP? Does it seem daunting to make the move?

Are you worried about the impact of moving to HTTPs?

Don’t be.

Get in touch with Return’s Organic Performance team today. We’re experts in site migration and can help make the transition seamless.