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How To Identify Broken Pages


Broken pages are not great for any marketing channel, and are even worse if your site visitor lands on them from within your website – via an internal link. Internal links are links within your website that point from one web page to another page. Broken pages not only disrupt the customer journey, but they can also harm your SEO performance. These can be easily fixed as you have full control of them, however, identifying them can often be time consuming.


Alongside regular site crawls, there is a report you can use in Google Analytics, which highlights broken pages. The report detects when people navigate to a broken page from a link within the website, and identifies which channel they came from.


The video below shows you how to set up a custom report. Do this by filtering the Page Title to be the same as your broken page title and add a metric returning the previous page to find the sources. You can also tweak the filters to create another report, to display pages that were landed on from an external source.

If you have any questions about this custom report, or about how to identify any other technical issues within your website get in touch, our Technical SEO team would love to help!