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Google Ads Introduces Seasonality Adjustments In Search & Display Campaigns

Traditional smart bidding strategies such as Target ROAS do consider seasonality, however, it is possible for a business to experience different customer behaviour, for example, when a new product launches.

With Google Ads’ new seasonality adjustments, we can now be more prepared for an anticipated shift in conversion rate or revenue. The seasonality adjustments work by inputting the expected changes into the campaign settings and could be utilised during promotional periods such as Black Friday weekend and Boxing Day. As a result, smart bidding will take the change into consideration for a specific date range.

The system will then revert the campaign bidding strategy back to the previous settings once the specified period is over. This level of automation reduces the need to make a number of manual changes before and after the promotion.


This new feature is being viewed as a great addition, as smart bidding can often be slow to react to seasonal changes. Having the ability to tell the system to expect a certain change could result in uplift that might have been missed.

In terms of next steps, we plan on testing this during Black Friday weekend across selected campaigns that currently use smart shopping. 

If you would like to take your Paid Search campaigns to the next level, please contact us today.